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Nature Che:插入氨基酸可将生物多肽活性提高40倍

摘要 : 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院的科学家日前人工合成出一种氨基酸,能塑造活性多肽的结构并增强其疗效。实验显示,将这种氨基酸插入具有生物活性的多肽,能将其活性提高40倍以上。借助此项成果有望开发出一系列全新的药物。相关论文发表在《自然·化学》杂志上。








Dithiol amino acids can structurally shape and enhance the ligand-binding properties of polypeptides

Shiyu Chen, Ranganath Gopalakrishnan, Tifany Schaer, Fabrice Marger, Ruud Hovius,Daniel Bertrand, Florence Pojer & Christian Heinis

The disulfide bonds that form between two ​cysteine residues are important in defining and rigidifying the structures of proteins and peptides. In polypeptides containing multiple ​cysteineresidues, disulfide isomerization can lead to multiple products with different biological activities. Here, we describe the development of a dithiol amino acid (Dtaa) that can form two disulfide bridges at a single amino acid site. Application of Dtaas to a serine protease inhibitor and a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor inhibitor that contain disulfide constraints enhanced their inhibitory activities 40- and 7.6-fold, respectively. X-ray crystallographic and NMR structure analysis show that the peptide ligands containing Dtaas have retained their native tertiary structures. We furthermore show that replacement of two ​cysteines by Dtaas can avoid the formation of disulfide bond isomers. With these properties, Dtaas are likely to have broad application in the rational design or directed evolution of peptides and proteins with high activity and stability.

来源: 科技日报